ARCHITECTURE / DESIGN CONCEPT PROMO VIDEO is a specialized promotional video that we've categorized separately in our list of services.
This type of video focuses on conveying a concept. It can be effectively used during live concept presentations, as part of a competition entry package, on websites, or for other promotional purposes. These videos can seamlessly combine animation, renderings, diagrams, and stock or filmed footage, all woven together into an emotionally engaging story.
We strive to make the process and communication as seamless as possible. It all begins with your interest in ordering a video and clicking the request button. From there, we work with you to establish the goals you want to achieve with the video, define a budget, and clarify the brand voice and message you want to convey.
Creating a promo for an architectural concept is a bit different, as it’s not primarily about filming. In this case, the video is about conveying a future vision, strategy, idea, inspiration, and emotion. We often incorporate stock footage and architectural animation to bring the video to life. Successfully blending these elements helps create a realistic vision of the future, allowing viewers to fully immerse themselves in the project.
Often, a project manager may want a video for a final client presentation but lacks the extra time for video production. In such cases, we offer a parallel workflow between our team and the architecture team. This approach saves time and allows the architecture team to focus more on design.
The process follows three main steps:
01. IDEA.
1-2 storytelling ideas;
detailed selection of the information that would be placed in the video;
accurate script of the chosen idea;
music selection (2-3 tracks to choose from).
stock footage selection based on the script;
render animation;
​real film at your location;
Interviews with your employees.
animated diagrams;
graphical & text integrations;
voice over;
sound design;
colour correction;
customisation for different formats;
final export for placement in various online platforms.
Product Reveal
PM Campus. Concept design.
Client: Architectural Prescription
The Netherland & Ukraine , 2022
Present the concept design of the IT Campus.
(Animation Render by Maksym Lysogora;
Ideation, storytelling, cut with all stock footage selection, Sound design by boma.videoproduction).
Product Reveal
Kryla. Architecture Promo video.
Kryla. Concept Design.
by Architectural Prescription & Zotov&Co & Metapraktika
Ukraine, 2021
Atmospherical animation for the project reveal presentation.
(Animation Render by Maksym Lysogora;
Ideation, storytelling, cut with all stock footage selection, sound design by boma.videoproduction).
Product Reveal
Evo country club. Location Promo.
Client : Evo Country Club.
Kharkiv, 2018
Present the location of the future housing progect in the suburb of the Kharkov city.
(aerial footage and video by boma..videoproduction).